Just after the election, I started my nagging about following the money—how our dollars will be what brings these thugs to their knees. I talked about never ordering from Amazon again, only using Starbucks and Chipotle as fast food purveyors for our lazy-ass selves because they are the only ones not supporting this new regime. Yes, I walked away from Dunkin’ Donuts (okay, I have slipped occasionally, but not in the last month), my favorite Diet Coke dealer (as in, it’s a drug for me), McDonald’s. But mostly, I got stories back from friends and readers that they just weren’t going to wait a few days or go the distance to use their local hardware store or drugstore because, well, we are nothing if not an instant gratification society.
I came back strong. “Remember WWII,” I screamed into the abyss filled with all of you looking the other way. “They gave up nylons, lights after dark, sugar, and their fathers, brothers, sons, and some daughters in order to fight something far from our shores. What, you can’t start ordering from your local bookstore and wait two days for a book, for God’s sake?”
The answer was, “Not so much, no.”
Of course, I’ve been thinking about the fact that for almost four years, there was no sugar on the shelves. As in, not much. All the Mars bars went overseas, where no one could dispute they deserved it more than we did.
I am pretty sure I would have joined the women fighters to get back my sugar. Seriously, it could have been my motivation.
So, should I say I cannot have one ounce of ice cream unless I have spent every dime I spent this week in local stores and not with any of those I know are out to get me and my gender?
I have continued to do my ‘follow the money’ routine over the last few weeks, but speaking softly so as to be heard. Nothing.
See the dates, etc., above. The Economic Blackout days mean you will not buy anything (yes, anything) other than from local vendors in your town. The rest is clearly stated. Can we not do this, girlfriend? Seriously?
I do not know how to say this any more clearly, so I went to AI and asked for data. Turns out it’s up to me and my people—women. Huddle up, females. We have the power to take them down with the plastic sitting in our handbags.
Read the following and ponder our outcome if we start to think about our purchasing.
Household Spending & Consumer Purchases
Women make 80% of household purchasing decisions, including groceries, home goods, and personal care items.
They control 93% of food purchases, influencing what families eat at home and in restaurants.
Women drive 60%–70% of car purchases, including decisions on family vehicles and personal cars.
They account for 85% of all consumer goods purchases, including clothing, electronics, and beauty products.
Financial & Investment Influence
Women control 51% of personal wealth in the U.S., a number expected to grow as wealth transfers from baby boomers.
They influence 67% of financial decisions in households, including savings, investments, and retirement planning.
Women own 40% of all U.S. businesses, impacting B2B spending and corporate purchasing power.
Female investors increasingly focus on socially responsible and impact investing, influencing corporate policies.
Healthcare & Wellness Spending
Women make 80% of healthcare decisions, including insurance, medical procedures, and doctor visits for themselves and their families.
They drive 90% of household wellness and pharmaceutical purchases, choosing everything from vitamins to prescription drugs.
Women spend 75% more than men on healthcare services, including elective and preventative care.
Education & Child-Related Expenses
Mothers influence 80% of educational decisions, from daycare choices to college planning.
They drive 85% of household purchases for children, including clothing, school supplies, and extracurricular activities.
Women often manage student loan debt repayment, influencing financial choices for their families and themselves.
Luxury, Travel & Experience-Based Spending
Women control 85% of luxury brand purchases, from designer fashion to high-end home décor.
They influence 70% of travel decisions, including family vacations, business travel, and leisure trips.
Female consumers account for 60% of online shopping, shaping e-commerce trends.
Women drive 80% of home improvement decisions, from furniture to major renovations.
Tech, Media & Entertainment
Women influence 60% of technology purchases, including smartphones, laptops, and smart home devices.
They account for 52% of movie ticket sales, heavily shaping entertainment trends.
Women influence 90% of book sales, especially in fiction, self-improvement, and children’s literature.
Are you with me? Say yes!
Of course!!!!