Strong disagree about AOC (and you made my point for me) - we don’t need gifted legislators right now, we need strong communicators who can help inform and mobilize. AOC is absolutely that. King, Murphy, Crockett, and a number of others (but too few) are doing a great job too. But it’s not enough - we all need to be the guardrails and mobilizers too. We need to shine a spotlight on the illegality of this administration’s actions and amplify what we should do. Your calls to action in this piece are spot on.

Calling members isn’t the only way to do something, but it’s definitely necessary. Let’s judge the success of this effort not only by if his nominees are all confirmed (because they likely will be) but also by how much the process is being slowed down.

Our Representatives have nothing to do with confirmations, but we should still flood their phone lines asking for oversight and hearings into the illegal behavior of Trump’s henchman, Musk.

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If AOC is not communicating actions that will do something, I’m not sure how that communication is successful. And if I’m really honest, I don’t want to watch her knitting while Rome is burning.

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She’s able to reach young people where they are and inform them about what is going on. Her marching orders were to keep calling your members of congress (and why). The knitting was odd, but she’s not knitting in her other videos and perhaps she’s signaling that we should also do things that calm us too?

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I totally hear you. And look, I was a huge supporter for a number of years. I’m trying to readjust my thinking because to be honest, I think I’ve been wrong. Time will tell my friend. Either way I am so grateful that you and I are in the fray and not walking away. The only thing we’re not allowed to do is give up.

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I know I am not young...DUH! But AOC has never done it for me. Nor Bernie. Love them but find them ineffective. Jean and I do love ACLU...always have even when they went to bat for freedom of speech for groups that I detest. Freedom is Freedom.

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